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Join me at 8am (Eastern time) for a morning session of 90 minutes of endurance with spicy surprises! 

I challenge you to combine this session with your favorite outdoor activity in the afternoon to make it a Hell of a Sunday!


Challenge: Complete 2.5 hours of aerobic activity (zone 1 to 2) during the day!

Boost your muscular endurance and aerobic capacity, and improve your energy efficiency!

In order to motivate you to beat this endurance challenge with me, I have a little participation draw for you: join the Strava club and publish your 2 Sunday activities for a chance to win a $50 gift card at the Boutique Vélogare and a bag of Zenit Nutrition energy bars!


The gift card will be randomly picked among those who have done more than 2.5 hours of total activity during each of the Sundays of Hell sessions: January 29th and February 12th.

This challenge is accessible to everyone. The intensity for these sessions (always adjustable) will be lower than we did in the fall. If your schedule doesn't allow you to stay that long, do what you can! The real prize to win is the personal satisfaction of having surpassed yourself. :)

So, are you up for the challenge?! 🔥🔥

More info

Free events open to all members


To register for the events and to be able to watch the sessions, you must first be a member of the site

No events at the moment


*If I don't come on the video, refresh the page

In the case of technical issues, I will direct you to a Youtube livestream link



More information

Why an endurance session?

Although interval sessions are perfect for maximizing time on the bike and improving your physical condition, low-intensity activity (zone 2) is essential if you want to extend your rides more easily, in addition to all the health benefits that low-intensity exercise provides.


A low-intensity activity works differently than high-intensity intervals. During these sessions, I will address the theme of endurance in order to better understand why to do it and how to integrate it into your sports practice. 

By combining this session with a 2nd activity in the afternoon, the idea is to tap into our readily available energy in the morning, in order to force our body to better use other sources of energy for the rest of the day, and to become aware of hydrating and fueling well to support our efforts.

A challenge that remains very accessible by adjusting the intensity. The 2nd activity can be a walk! (Consult your doctor if you have a specific condition.)


I hope this challenge will allow you to break through small mental barriers, gain self-confidence and establish new habits for the rest of the winter :)

Zwift integration

The ZWO file will be shared with you closer to the event.

To learn how to import the training file into your Zwift, see the 2nd half of the instructional video Click here.

To be able to receive the invitation to the meetup, you must enter your Zwift username in the event registration form (RSVP above) at least 24 hours in advance.

Make sure you follow me on Zwift (Marie-Soleil Blais) so I can send you the invite.

*If there is a typo in your registration form that prevents me from finding you or if you do not follow me, or if you register / add me at the last minute, you will not receive the invitation ! 

No big deal, come to the livestream anyway and pick a flat course to follow the session.

You do not need to use Zwift or have a Zwift account to follow the live session.

Participation draw and rules

For Canadian residents only - To participate in the contest, simply join the Strava Club and publish your 2 activities of the day. The participation prizes will be drawn among those who have done 2.5 hours or more during the two Sundays of Hell. (2.5 hours total per Sunday = 1 chance)


It is free to create an account on Strava (desktop or mobile). If you don't have a device (sports watch, etc.) to record your activity, you can download the Strava app to your phone to record your activity. It is also possible to add an activity manually.


The competition is self-regulated by the members. In other words, we will rely on everyone's honesty. 

The real prize to win is personal satisfaction, and that cannot be made up! ;)

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